Sunday, May 23, 2010

"When one door closes, another one opens"

It certainly has been quite some time since my last entry here. So many things have been going on in my life. I have to say in the last few months a concept has truly resonated in my life and those around me. That concept is...

"when one door closes, another one opens".

Not only has my life been changing but so have many of my dear friends. The hardest thing to watch with my friends is the loss of a loved one... a husband/wife, son/daughter and etc. I have lost some loved ones over the last six months and it really makes you truly cherish what and who you have in your life. A day does NOT go by that I don't think about how lucky I am!

My dear husband, Damon, was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma, throat cancer in January of 2007. He had 7 weeks of radiation for three days a week. It was very hard for him to swallow as his throat had become constricted (not easily able to do so even now). He had lost quite a considerable amount of weight as he was not able to eat and swallow very much. He is still not able to eat WITHOUT having something to drink as his saliva is nearly all gone.

Over this past year, due to the economy, we do not have health insurance. Therefore, Damon had not had a routine checkup until recently...May 18th, 2010. We were able to finally have him be seen!. And, the fabulous news is that he received a clean bill of health! We are all truly blessed with this good news!

Also, with that wonderful news...I have had the good fortune to find work with a demo company, Warehouse Demo Services, doing sample demonstrations at Costco. When one door closes...that of Damon's situation with cancer, another door opened which has allowed for me to work so that I can now be a productive partner in our marriage. I felt compelled to find work through many urgings of family and friends whatever the outcome of Damon's checkup would have been. It has finally come to a point in my life to be realistic of our situation, financial and personal. I am happy NOW to be part of the support team for our family!

I am very glad that I was able to have the courage to go out and search! My mother taught me that IF you want something you have to go after it and think positive!

I had something in mind and did NOT tell anyone! I just did IT! So, I went into Costco to find work as a demo sampler. I have wanted to do that for sometime but did not have the courage nor really - the desire - to LOOK for work. But, something in my mind said, "Lien, it's go forward with ALL you have and just SMILE!"

When I went to the back of the Costco warehouse in search of the office, I found the manager of the Warehouse Demo Services and applied. It was 2:00pm Tuesday afternoon.

Lisa gave me 15 minutes of her time and had already said she would have an answer by 5pm that evening! 6:00pm came and I got that call! I received the call from my (now) boss, Lisa, that she had spoken with her Regional Manager about her desire to hire me. She asked IF I could come into training on Thursday and it was only Tuesday! I was NOW officially hired! NOW..IF I could just figure out why?? LOL

For this door to have opened for me - I could not be happier! This "desperate housewife" of Shoreline is now gainfully employed and very happy in her new employment!

Sharing this story has been such a joy as I am writing this with a tremendous smile and a warm heart for everyone and everything in my grateful life. Without family and friends, I have no idea of where I would be...all I know is that I am loved and my love is returned to you all infinitely and unconditionally!

Whenever you lose a loved one or your heart is heavy, reach out and I will take your hand and hold onto it - with my heart and devoted friendship to ... be there for you. ♥

Just open that door and I will be there...