Saturday, January 1, 2011

Embracing 2011 with a Newer Insight and Perspective of My Own Life

Happy New Year!

2010 was a very challenging and yet rewarding year at the same time.

I am, therefore, embracing 2011 with a newer insight and perspective to help me to grow into a better person as whole not broken...AND have a healthier attitude towards life.

The values I now put in my life has definitely helped me to grow this past year and build character that I did not realize was lacking. "I wouldn't trade it for anything" concept here rings true to me.

Each and every person who has come into my life, past and current friends and for those in the future, I truly cherish and honor them as they are intricate parts of my enriched life that I am currently living and experiencing wholeheartedly.

I am sending warm wishes of a beautiful New Year to all of my family and friends. Let us all experience the joys of constant bonding and friendships of everlasting love and continued respect for one another.

I love each and everyone of you with ALL my heart.

“To live you have to experiment, to have the ability to experiment you have to have confidence, to have confidence you have to be loved, to be loved you have to love”
- unknown

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